Today, I'm excited to announce that LinkSquares has introduced Finalize, our new contract automation solution. We've designed Finalize to help you create better contracts using data-driven analytics. You can get more details in our official Finalize press release, and see a preview of Finalize in action with this video.
I'd like to explain what led us to create Finalize, and why we expect it to be just the first part of an overall suite of contract management solutions from LinkSquares, one that handles the entire contract life-cycle from pre-signature drafting, execution, post-signature storage and long-term analysis and management of your legal agreements.
Let me start by saying, we never expected to build LinkSquares Finalize.
Part of the reason I founded LinkSquares was the glaring need I saw when I worked for a previous startup that was acquired. During the acquisition process, we had to manually review every single one of our customer contracts so the acquirer knew exactly what we had agreed to with a customer base of over 5,000 companies. I knew right then that there must be a better way to manage and analyze all these contracts.
We started LinkSquares to build that better way.
From Day 1 at LinkSquares, we've been an artificial intelligence company. We knew the only way to improve the speed and accuracy of contract analysis was to use cutting-edge AI. Artificial intelligence is in our company DNA, and we used it to create the contract analysis solution that became our first product, LinkSquares Analyze.
Today, hundreds of companies and thousands of legal team members use LinkSquares Analyze to make contract management and analysis easier, faster, and more accurate. We built the better way I and others were looking for those years ago when my old employer got acquired. LinkSquares Analyze solves a problem faced by literally every legal and finance team in the world.
Along the way, we asked all our customers what pre-signature contract automation solution they used so we could make sure LinkSquares was compatible with the market-leading solutions in our space. Nine times out of ten, we got the answers "none," or "Microsoft Word" (which is effectively the same as "none," because MS Word is a generic word processor, not a specialized legal solution).
When we asked why no one was using specialized contract drafting software, we learned that the existing solutions on the market were either too expensive, too complicated, or too hard to implement. We built LinkSquares Analyze to make contract management easier, so it's simple, intuitive, and can be run from any web browser. Our customers wanted a contract drafting solution that was just as user-friendly and cost-effective as LinkSquares Analyze.
So we built it. That solution is LinkSquares Finalize.
Finalize is the product of years of research and direct feedback from our customers. I want to thank not just my own team members who worked tirelessly and brilliantly to develop Finalize, but to also thank the customers who spent countless hours explaining exactly what they needed a contract automation solution to do and describing how a pre-signature contract workflow system should work. Finalize exists today equally through the effort of our team and our customers.
And we're not done yet. We're going to continue to iterate and enhance both LinkSquares Finalize and Analyze, and work has already begun on additional solutions for the "LinkSquares Contract Suite" so that, one day, every legal team will be able to harness artificial intelligence to improve every step of the contract life-cycle in a single integrated platform
Check out LinkSquares Finalize by requesting a demo. We think you'll be impressed. The future is here, and it's coming faster every day.
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