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How to Streamline Tasks, Reduce Stress, and Prioritize Yourself

man-reading-contractLawyers are the protectors of the business. They ensure that the company and each function within it have what they need to dominate the market without taking on unnecessary risk.

Doing exceptional in-house work means prioritizing the business and working hard to get as much done with as few resources as possible. Your success shows in the company’s bottom line and how quickly legal matters are resolved. Your hard work pays off — but isn’t it time to also prioritize yourself? 

Whether it’s by using more of your PTO days or even just getting better tools for enterprise legal management, it’s time to start taking care of yourself. Here are 3 ways to prioritize yourself this summer.

Put the Self in Self-Care

Lawyer burnout rate is at an all-time high. It can be easy to justify why you haven’t taken time off in two years or why you need to work through the night to meet a deal deadline. There are times when that kind of grind is necessary, but it’s not sustainable.

Take the time to care for yourself. Go on a walk during the work day, eat lunch away from your desk, get a full night’s sleep, and remember to use your vacation days from time to time. Trust that your team has your back and can pick up the slack.

Establish Processes for Cross-Functional Collaboration

Without proper processes in place, teams can end up duplicating work, missing steps, and miscommunicating. Many mission-critical tasks can fall through the cracks, and you end up having to do even more work to make up for the loss. These issues will only get worse over time without proper processes and enterprise legal management tools to handle them.

Work with other cross-functional teams to build internal processes that streamline common tasks. For example, you can collaborate with sales on prioritizing contract requests for deals at the end of the quarter, as well as on generating no-touch contracts for standard deals using enterprise legal management software.

evaluate clm

Whether it's asset review, compliance check, or language for cookie consents, everyone needs something from legal. This means that at any given time, legal is juggling multiple complex tasks and needs to keep track of, prioritize, and assign tasks to team members.

An enterprise legal management tool like LinkSquares Prioritize helps teams prioritize legal intake requests and tasks for the business. It enables streamlined task management, and as part of the LinkSquares Cloud, it’s automatically connected to your CLM, providing much-needed context to help you determine what to prioritize.


If you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of the business. A mixture of self-care and enterprise legal management software can make a world of difference in the day-to-day life of legal teams. See how LinkSquares Prioritize can help you prioritize your legal tasks and yourself. Request a demo today.




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Christina Sullivan is a Content Marketing Manager at LinkSquares.