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LinkSquares Team


Blog Post by LinkSquares Team

Work-Life Readiness for Modern Legal Teams
LinkSquares Team 7 min read

Work-Life Readiness for Modern Legal Teams

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success." We've all heard this phrase before, ...
Legal overload? Relax with the new GC ASMR video series!
LinkSquares Team 3 min read

Legal overload? Relax with the new GC ASMR video series!

In a world that seemingly never slows down, achieving work-life balance for general counsels can feel ...
It’s a Wonderful Link: A Year in Review
LinkSquares Team 8 min read

It’s a Wonderful Link: A Year in Review

In 2023, more than 1,100 legal teams unlocked their full potential with LinkSquares. Before we head into ...
Your Guide to Data Privacy Compliance
LinkSquares Team 11 min read

Your Guide to Data Privacy Compliance

Even though data privacy compliance isn’t a legal matter that generates revenue, it can cost companies ...
7 Common Business Documents for Companies
LinkSquares Team 6 min read

7 Common Business Documents for Companies

Documentation can be a daunting word for business and legal professionals. Many times two parties come to a ...
What is SOC 2? Why Your Vendors Must Have It
LinkSquares Team 6 min read

What is SOC 2? Why Your Vendors Must Have It

LinkSquares is proud to announce that it has successfully undergone a Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 ...
What is a Contract Repository and How is it Used?
LinkSquares Team 5 min read

What is a Contract Repository and How is it Used?

A contract repository is a fancy term for the method you use to store and organize all your organization's ...
The Biggest Risk of AI Contract Management
LinkSquares Team 3 min read

The Biggest Risk of AI Contract Management

Most modern contract management solutions have embraced artificial intelligence technology to build better, ...
Cockpit Counsel: Building Your GC Brand
LinkSquares Team 4 min read

Cockpit Counsel: Building Your GC Brand

"I want to be somebody leaders want in the room when discussing the hardest possible things." - Andy Dale, ...