The LinkSquares team was hard at work in 2018 building features, gathering customer feedback, and optimizing systems. Our contract management system is safer, flashier, and more productive than ever before - here’s a peek at what we rolled out in 2018.
We launched Smart Values last spring, which enhance the way users view AI results within the application. Saving teams time usually spent manually reviewing contracts is a critical mission here at LinkSquares, and Smart Values take everything up a notch. Now users have more visibility into what our AI technology is finding and extracting from within their contracts. We used customer data to develop a list of standard Smart Values that come out of the box when you purchase LinkSquares, and we also give the option to create additional Smart Values for further customization.
Smart Values

Free Trial
You wouldn’t buy a car without test driving it - so why buy a contract management system without taking it for a spin first? We created a free trial for folks thinking about buying LinkSquares so that they can get a firsthand look at all the benefits they’re signing up for through the app. Our team’s on hand to support throughout the trial and highlight features for different applications of the product. Our customers love it - and bonus, no driver’s license required.
Enterprise Ready
Our engineering team completed their arduous journey to SaaS stardom and elevated LinkSquares to the coveted Enterprise Ready stage of product maturity. What does this actually mean for customers? We updated lots of key components in the product back end and released user-friendly features such as Single Sign On, User Provisioning, and Audit Logging. Don’t be fooled, these features are more than techie jargon - they mean time saved and productivity multiplied for our customers.
Security updates
Last but not least, we made sure our security is airtight. Our customers trust us with sensitive information, and we don’t take that responsibility lightly - we ensure the top of the line experience in end-to-end security. Amazon WAF, in conjunction with our rockstar engineering team, keeps the LinkSquares fortress secure at all times.
As you can see, we had a busy year in 2018. What can you expect to see from us in 2019, you ask? Well, we can’t let the cat out of the bag just yet - but our priority is making sure that our contract management system is as user-friendly, responsive, and innovative as possible. We have our finger on the pulse of legal tech and legal ops, and we combine emerging trends with lots of user feedback to drive innovations in user experience and product features. We’ll keep you posted on all of our exciting developments - we promise! In the meantime, shoot our team a note or sign up for a demo to see how LinkSquares can make a difference in your company.

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