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Using Enterprise Legal Management Software to Build a Consistent Team
6 min read

Using Enterprise Legal Management Software to Build a Consistent Team

If your legal team wants to be known for being collaborative, efficient, and impactful as strategic partners, consider looking into enterprise legal management (ELM) software to take that next step. 

If your team is struggling to introduce efficiency, boost productivity, and produce consistent results, it could be because you still use spreadsheets to track project process, monitor your inbox like a hawk, and keep a physical list of legal requests that you’re slowly but surely working your way through. Manual processes keep you wrapped up in the small stuff, preventing you from delivering value as a partner in the business. No matter how hard you try, things still fall through the cracks and you can’t say for certain when the contract or filing will be ready. 

But ELM software automates away the tedium and enhances your capacity to show up for your cross-functional collaborators. Enterprise legal management tools — including eSignature, legal project management, and contract lifecycle management (CLM) — enable more efficiency and consistent results, helping you be a better business partner.

Here are some ways enterprise legal management software helps you to build a more consistent legal team.

Respond to requests in a timely manner

Too often, legal requests enter the black hole of an inbox, Slack thread, or spreadsheet, never to be heard from again. That leads to more check-in messages and a flustered lawyer trying to get everything together to respond in time. And that’s on top of all your other work.

ELM solutions like legal project management tools allow you to centralize intake and more efficiently execute tasks. By streamlining, automating, and prioritizing legal requests, enterprise legal management tools allow you to stay on top of your to-do list and fulfill requests in a timely manner. This goes a long way in earning your collaborators’ trust as a business partner that delivers.

Drive value consistently over time

Sometimes, sales has a really good quarter and everyone wins. But sometimes, no matter how good the sales quarter was, the wins are minimal because your legal processes can’t efficiently support your sales team.

Enterprise legal management software helps legal build up a strong muscle for processes and supports the wider business in a more consistent way. Use ELM to automate your processes, making the sales process as smooth as your contracting process. By moving quickly and enabling sales to close the deal, your team becomes a value-driving hero whose efficiencies benefit the entire organization.

Keep your promises

Your goals are your promises to your business, and you can’t know if you’re keeping your promises unless you track them. This is incredibly hard to do with a manual process and no legal technology.

Thankfully, you can use the reporting features in enterprise legal management software like LinkSquares Cloud. Report on your key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to track your progress over time and how well you accomplish them. 


Enterprise legal management software helps your team to build a reputation as a value driver, success enabler, and consistent business partner. ELM software can help your team stay on top of legal tasks and increase your project completion rate. Drive value over time by supporting the efforts of your collaborators, and use technology to reach your own department goals. 

Want to see how LinkSquares can help your legal team produce more consistent results. Contact us today.

Emily Weiner is a Marketing Campaign Manager at LinkSquares