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Get Ahead with These Helpful Resources for Busy Lawyers

Written by Christina Sullivan | Jan 19, 2023

Welcome back to our third and final installment in this “tips for busy lawyers” series, which is dedicated to helping busy in-house lawyers manage their time, take care of themselves, and find helpful resources to get ahead. If you missed parts one and two, make sure you check them out. 

 Today, we will list some great resources for lawyers looking to stay organized, productive, and successful in their practice.

Reading for Busy Lawyers

There are many helpful written resources available to read on the topics of time management, stress relief, and productivity written specifically with lawyers in mind. Here are some notable titles that might be worth a read:


Websites & Publications

In addition to books, there are numerous websites and publications dedicated to helping busy lawyers stay organized and productive at work. Here are a few noteworthy ones:   

  • The National Law Journal – An online publication featuring articles about the latest legal trends plus opinion pieces from respected attorneys around the country about best practices within the profession today.   
  • American Bar Association – The official website of The American Bar Association (ABA) which offers useful resources such as podcasts & webinars discussing current topics relevant to practicing attorneys around the country.   
  • Law360 – An excellent blog with all of the latest news, updates, and deep dives that lawyers like you need to know but may not have the time for.     
  • Cockpit Counsel Series – Oops, how did this get here? But seriously, you can always rely on the Cockpit Counsel webinar series for coverage on an array of topics, including hot-button issues and legal career advice. You can also listen to the podcast version of Cockpit Counsel for on-the-go info.

With these helpful resources in hand you can ensure that your life as a busy lawyer will be easier than ever before! Whether you need advice on managing your workload or just want an overview of what's happening in the legal world today, these sites provide valuable insight into how best to serve your clients while still taking care of yourself along the way. Happy reading!