LinkSquares Blog

Sharing Articles & Content With Your Team

Written by Chris Combs | Apr 30, 2015

Everyday teams share links and articles across your company. An interesting article about your market, a press release from a competitor, or an industry review featuring your company.

A recent study from Add This noted that the peak time for sharing content is around 9:30am each morning. Presumably when most employees are catching up on email and reading articles to share with other team members. The study also showed that the majority of clicks on shared content occurs within the first two minutes, basically right as the article is shared. This would also imply that if people dont read shared content right away it usually gets buried and they rarely ever find it again.

So what happens next? The link gets sent out and people start to ‘reply to all’ with comments and discussion points. Before you know it your inbox is filled and you just delete the whole thread to get away from it. There has to be a better way to share important content with your team.

LinkSquares is a team communication tool that allows companies to share interesting links and content, as well as notes and photos.  Team members can comment and discuss on press release articles or even things like meeting notes without overloading anyone’s inbox. Team members can also add summary notes for a quick review and also use the search tools to find that key article months or years down the road if needed.

Cut down on all the internal email in your company and share smarter with LinkSquares.

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