LinkSquares Blog

Navigating Cookie Laws in 2024: How Legal Teams Can Stay Ahead

Written by Emily Weiner | Jan 02, 2024

Data privacy regulations like GDPR and CPRA have made online data privacy a central focus for both regulators and consumers. These cookie laws have changed how businesses like yours operate online by regulating the kinds of data you can collect and the rights users have to control their data. Not only that, but new cookie laws are always popping up, making it crucial to stay on top of the latest info.

So, how can legal teams stay ahead of the cookie laws and the changes they affect? The answer may lie in legal technology. 

In 2023, five states implemented cookie laws: California, Virginia, Connecticut, Utah, and Colorado. In 2024, three more states go live with data privacy laws: Texas’ Data Privacy and Security Act (TDPSA), Oregon’s Consumer Privacy Act (OCPA), and Montana’s Consumer Data Privacy Act (MTCDPA).

Like the cookie laws before them, these regulations require businesses based in the specific state or who serve customers within that state to inform consumers what data they collect, how they use that data, and how consumers can seek recourse.

These new laws emphasize how critical it is that businesses are following best practices when it comes to collecting and using consumer data.

A new era of web tracking

In keeping with this focus on data privacy, multiple web browsers plan to or have already started phasing out third-party cookies.

Apple, Firefox, and Google Chrome have each promised new privacy-focused approaches to user data when browsing, prioritizing user privacy. These changes and the cookie laws that underlie them will alter the future of digital advertising, and legal teams need to be prepared for the changes ahead.

While Safari and Firefox have already implemented their measures, Google is set to begin the process of phasing out third-party cookies for 1% of web browser users in January 2024. Per Google’s timeline, this number will move to 100% by the end of 2024. As a replacement, Google offers the Privacy Sandbox: a set of tools that will help teams target buyers while still maintaining consumer privacy.

This change takes privacy cookie laws one step further, helping teams operationalize these practices within their browser. As a result, marketing teams need to be able to shift their strategies to market effectively without the tactics they’ve grown used to.

As for legal teams, it’s crucial that your agreements accurately reflect your data practices. Shore up resources with your collaborators to get ahead of this by knowing what data is mandatory and how to adapt. LinkSquares can help teams navigate these waters.

LinkSquares has a centralized platform for managing and monitoring privacy clauses. Our platform also offers AI-powered data extraction, which identifies risks in existing agreements, and ensures vendor compliance with new regulations. This way, legal teams can identify gaps in their existing agreements and ensure that there is compliance with cookie laws and browser capabilities.

With LinkSquares, legal teams can track the progress of their compliance measures, streamlining documentation and reporting processes. They can save time, reduce manual processes, and help you to focus on high-priority tasks.


The 2024 cookie laws are set to bring significant changes to web tracking, requiring legal teams to be proactive and efficient in their legal project management.LinkSquares provides a comprehensive solution for maintaining compliance with new regulations. It offers a platform to manage and monitor privacy clauses, identify risks in existing agreements, and ensure vendor compliance.

With SOC-2 standards and procedures, LinkSquares ensures that compliance measures are in place to keep data safe from potential data breaches. Legal teams can greatly benefit from LinkSquares and stay ahead in this rapidly changing web-tracking industry. 

See how LinkSquares can put your legal team at ease — contact us today.