LinkSquares Blog

How to Let Legal Project Management Tools Do the Heavy Lifting

Written by Emily Weiner | Nov 07, 2023

Your in-house team already does a lot, but with support from the right legal project management processes and tools, you can accomplish way more with far less effort. 

If yours is like most in-house teams, legal project management exists more in theory than in practice for you. 

You’re probably no stranger to ditching your to-do list to put out a fire or meet an urgent deadline. Marketing needs collateral reviewed before tomorrow’s launch. Sales needs their contract finalized like yesterday. Product and engineering have compliance requests that require immediate attention. All at the same time. That’s a lot for your team to juggle at once and all alone.

Without proper support, a lot of crucial tasks can end up falling through the cracks. Fortunately, legal project management tools let your team centralize legal operations and improve efficiency. 

By creating a centralized hub where other teams can submit requests and track the task’s execution, you facilitate better collaboration and transparency across the organization. Plus, your team gets an immediate productivity boost from being able to manage legal tasks and related contracts in the same platform. No more dizzying back and forths between software.  

Hear how CLO Tim Parilla leans on legal project management tools to bring massive amounts of value to his team.


Manual processes that involve a stack of post-its, at least three spreadsheets, and a full tab of bookmarked links often end up creating more work than they resolve. This is why automation is a major key in your legal project management process.

Automation sweats the small stuff so you don’t have to. LinkSquares Prioritize, for example, enables you to automate legal intake, assign and prioritize tasks, and track legal matter from request to delivery. Your team can keep a real-time record of legal requests for quick reviews without having to manually update your project spreadsheet.

When you cut away the tedium — data entry, duplicate work, tracking individual requests — your team is immediately freed up to work on more strategic initiatives.

By itself, legal project management software can work wonders for your team’s efficiency. However a legal project management tool that natively integrates with your CLM opens up new opportunities for you to go above and beyond without putting in more hours.

When both capabilities are united in a centralized platform, you automatically have a more comprehensive picture of the issues crossing your team’s desks. You can get a bird’s-eye view or in-the-weeds level look at how you distribute tasks across the team and how successfully you complete your tasks. 

A centralized platform for managing all your legal projects in one place ensures easy access to related documents, approvals, filings, and contracts associated with a particular task, significantly improving your team’s productivity. 


Effective legal project management is crucial to your team’s success — and peace of mind. Instead of always waiting for the other shoe to drop and worrying that you forgot something important, use a legal project management tool to help your team get organized and stay on task. Prioritize empowers your team to automate tedious tasks, and its native integration with LinkSquares CLM enables you to see the whole picture, not just a small part.