LinkSquares Blog

3 Tips for In-House Legal Job Hunting in 2023

Written by Christina Sullivan | Jan 17, 2023

As the new year approaches, now is the perfect time to start thinking about if you’re happy in your current role. Maybe you’ve been considering making a change, taking on a more challenging role, or even specializing in something new. Looking for a new job can be daunting, especially if you’re an in-house legal professional. But with the right resources, you can land your dream gig. Let’s look at some of the best tactics for job hunting as an in-house legal professional in 2023 and beyond.

Consider Your Professional Relationships

The first step to take when looking for a new position is to take inventory of your current legal connections. Seeing who you both know and who you could potentially connect each other with helps increase your visibility among potential employers and gives you access to valuable industry insights. Join relevant LinkedIn groups or attend events–virtual or in-person–and get involved in conversations related to your area of expertise. Make sure that you are engaging with people who have similar interests and are knowledgeable about your field so that they can provide useful advice and feedback regarding potential job opportunities.

Utilize Job Boards & Recruiters

Another great way to find potential job opportunities is to utilize job boards and recruiters. Job boards such as Indeed, ZipRecruiter, and even LinkSquares have tons of listings worldwide and updated regularly. Additionally, recruiters can help connect you with employers looking for someone with your experience and qualifications – so make sure to reach out to them as well. 

Research Potential Employers

Once you have identified some potential employers, do some research into their organization so that you know what kind of culture they have and what type of people they hire. Read through any reviews on websites such as Glassdoor or Google Reviews to get a better sense of how past employees have felt about working there. Make sure to pay attention to any news articles written about the company – both good and bad – so that you know exactly what kind of business practices they adhere to before submitting an application or attending an interview. 

When it comes time to your job search as an in-house legal professional, remember these tips: Consider your professional relationships, utilize job boards & recruiters, and research potential employers thoroughly before applying or attending interviews. Your dream role is just an application away. Best of luck!